The cover of our album Dreamtime
About the songs and the musicians
PEACE OF MIND (music and lyrics J. Bos)
lead vocals: Johan Bos
keyboards: Louis Braam
bass, guitars, drums: Johan Bos
piano solo: Louis Braam
guitar solo: Johan Bos
backing vocals: Jerney Molenaar, Louis Braam & Johan Bos
– location-manager & video-assistant: Wim Kuijpers
– video editing: Johan Bos
I KNOW THEY’RE NOT (music and lyrics J. Bos)
lead vocals: Johan Bos
keyboards: Louis Braam
bass, guitars, drums: Johan Bos
brass-arrangement: Louis Braam
wah-guitarsolo: Johan Bos
backing vocals: Louis Braam & Johan Bos
– location-manager & video-assistant: Wim Kuijpers
– video editing: Johan Bos
I GIVE YOU A REASON (music and lyrics J. Bos)
lead vocals: Johan Bos
keyboards: Louis Braam
bass, guitars, drums: Johan Bos
solo: Johan Bos (doubled on keys by Louis Braam)
backing vocals: Jerney Molenaar, Louis Braam & Johan Bos
– video editing: Johan Bos
lead vocals: Johan Bos
keyboards: Louis Braam
bass, guitars, drums: Johan Bos
solo guitar: Johan Bos
backing vocals: Jerney Molenaar, Louis Braam & Johan Bos
– video: Mow Dee (+ additional footage by Wim Kuijpers)
– video editing: Johan Bos
lead vocals: Johan Bos
keyboards: Louis Braam
bass, guitars, drums: Johan Bos
slide-guitarsolo: Ivo Meijer
backing vocals: Louis Braam & Johan Bos
lead vocals: Johan Bos
keyboards: Louis Braam
bass, guitars, drums: Johan Bos
solo guitar: Ivo Meijer
backing vocals: Jerney Molenaar, Louis Braam & Johan Bos
– video: Wim Kuijpers + original, historic footage
– video editing: Johan Bos
lead vocals: Johan Bos
keyboards: Louis Braam
bass, guitars, drums: Johan Bos
solo intermission: Louis Braam
guitar solo end part: Johan Bos
backing vocals: Louis Braam & Johan Bos
lead vocals: Johan Bos
keyboards: Louis Braam
bass, guitars, drums: Johan Bos
solo end part: Louis Braam
backing vocals: Jerney Molenaar, Louis Braam & Johan Bos
• All songs written, produced, mixed and mastered by Johan Bos
© 2021 JohanBosMusic (info@johanbosmusic)
In this case we are grateful to Ivo Meijer for his double solo on ‘I hear the children’ and for the slide guitar on ‘Do you care’. Great job! Ivo is a very talented guitarist and it was a joy to work with him. Thanks, Ivo.
Singer Jerney Molenaar helped us out with some backing vocals. She has a fabulous voice! Thanks, Jerney! You showed us how a professional singer does the job!
Johan wants to thank his brother Lex, who invented the Lex Bos Superdrive. The drive is really super and has been an inspirational tool during the whole recording process. The drive warms up our sound a lot.
Many other people helped us in one way or another. Some by giving feedback, others by just listening and giving us the feeling that we were / are on the right track.
First of all I (Johan) want to mention my family. Thank you for letting me do my thing…
Singer Freddy Koridon in particular was important to me. Thanks, Freddy! You paved a part of the way I finally had to walk myself.
Danny van Kessel and Rein Wynja were also stimulating factors on this road. Thanks, guys!
Johan is also very grateful to the inspiring musicians and friends Lars Karakusevic and Eva Auad, who lend us their highly sensitive and well trained ears in the final process and came up with some very helpful suggestions. Thanks a lot! Bart Klop also gave some interesting suggestions. We appreciate it very much.
For our videoclips we wanted to be as basic as possible. Our goal was to spend only time, no money. In this respect we like to thank our friend Wim Kuijpers for helping us out with ideas, filming and feedback.
Last, but in fact first, Johan likes to thank Louis for his enthusiasm, patience, skills and – above all – friendship. Working with him is always a joy. Looking forward to our next album…